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Will my current extension of Simple Gmail Notes be affected?

Anwser: No, the extension of Simple Gmail Notes will continue to be free. All existing notes and services will remain unchanged.

Will the free version of Simple Mobile CRM expire?

No, it's free forever. But it has certain limitations regarding number of contacts and opportunities, please view here for the details.

Why am I asked to sign in the Simple Mobile CRM, while I have already signed into Simple Gmail Notes?

Both Simple Mobile CRM and Simple Gmail Notes are products of Bart Solutions Limited. However, your privacy is the single most important thing to us. So we don't automatically transfer your grant to Simple Gmail Notes to other products. You need to explicitly grant the access and permissions for Simple Mobile CRM, before our CRM system could provide the service to you.

What would happen when auto-sync for the thread is enabled?

When auto-sync is enabled, the followings will take place:
1. all future emails of this email thread will be automatically pushed to the timeline of CRM app.
2. when you update the notes in Simple Gmail Notes, it will be automatically pushed to the CRM app.

3. when your note is updated in CRM, it will be pushed back to Simple Gmail Notes as well.

What are the terms & conditions and privacy policy for Simple Mobile CRM?

Please find our terms and conditions here, and privacy policy here.

I am a long time user of Simple Gmail Notes, can I migrate previous notes to Simple Mobile CRM?



Yes, it’ s possible. Please view the detailed instruction here.